What are Logic Accounts and how do they work?
According to Oracle, Logic Accounts “are dynamically generated accounts that are used to calculate supplemental values that not provided in source files.”
Let’s make this a bit simpler 🙂
Logic Accounts generate additional accounts, or data, that is not deriving from the source. They are generated during the import step and can either reside in the target application or FDMEE.
Let’s work through an example:
Data File:
Account_A; TX; 100
Account_B; TX; 200
Account_C; TX; 300
Account_D; TX; 400
The Logic account is not in data file, but still needs to be imported in FDMEE:
LogicAccount_A; Texas; 600
LogicAccount_A, Texas = 600
Assume the Logic Account above has been created to group together Account_A , Account_B and Account_C. Export LogicAccount_A as opposed to Account_A – Account_D. In order to successfully do this, Logic Account_A will need to be mapping to the corresponding target member. Account_A -Account_D (non logic accounts) will need to be mapped as “ignore.”
Helpful Notes and Tips:
- The FDMEE Admin Guide suggests that administrators should prefix Logic Accounts with an “L” to indicate whether the account came from a source, such as a data file or generated from a Logic Rule.