In this post, I will discuss Data Relationship Governance and its functionality in Data Relationship Management. Data Relationship Governance was an add-in to DRM and has many features than can be very beneficial to DRM users. Data Relationship Governance is a component within Oracle's Data Relationship Management. DRG is...
Loading... Release: New Features
Hyperion Planning Check out the new Hyperion Planning New Features! ♦ Homepage & Interface Updates A new simplified interface creates an efficient way for users to create and manage an application, specifically by accessing common tasks through home page icons. Once application is launched: In addition, users can use...
Update Registry Settings to Avoid SmartView Time Out Errors
SmartView has come a long way over the years, especially the Planning Ad-Hoc capabilities. Even though the developers have added a ton of new features to SmartView, clients and end users still like to use the tried and true HSGetValue and HSSetValue functions. While there are many performance settings for Analytic...
Dynamic Time Series
Scenario #1: Pretend your client would like to calculate inventory for the current quarter and month. For instance, if the current month is August, the quarter total includes values for July and August. How is this calculated in Essbase? Essbase allows users to calculate period to date values dynamically, using dynamic...
Burst Financial Reports to a shared directory for HFM
An easy way to distribute reports to various users outside of running individual reports or books and then emailing it out to users is by creating a batch and burst to a shared directory. A batch can run various reports on multiple members in a dimension, adding the bursting capability...
FDMEE: Locations, Import Formats and Scripts
Locations In FDMEE, a Location is a level where a data load is executed. In other words, users define locations to specify where to load the data and each location is assigned an Import Format, Data Load Rules and Data Load Mappings. As discussed below, users must create Import Formats...
Securing and Auditing Metadata Updates Using Data Relationship Governance
Updates to metadata in Data Relationship Governance (DRG) are made through workflows. Workflows contain two required stages and two optional stages. The two required stages are ‘Submit’ and ‘Commit’, while the two optional stages are ‘Enrich’ and ‘Approve’. The two required stages in a DRG workflow ensure that any update...
Quick BSO Tuning Tips
Here are some quick tips to check when tuning your BSO application: 1. Dimension Order ♦ Use the hourglass model: Largest dense to smallest dense, smallest sparse to largest sparse ♦ Attribute dimensions are always last. 2. Dense/Sparse Settings ♦ Typically, your accounts and period dimensions are classified as dense. 3....
Security in HFM
In this post, I will discuss Security and the role it has within HFM applications. I will show how to change user access for different Security Classes, and also how to create a new user in an application. Both of these topics are very significant for assigning accessibility to your...
Task Lists in HFM
In this blog, I will be discussing how to create a task list and also what purpose they serve in HFM. They can be a resourceful tool within the application to help manage your workload and I will explain how in the following paragraph. A Task List in HFM serves...
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