Written By: Michael Gialanella In June, we highlighted why Standard Application Reports (RPTA) from OneStream’s XF MarketPlace are so impactful for clients and their partners to leverage in every implementation. Out of the 96 reports (and growing) offered to you to enhance your status reporting, one that we see that is leveraged quite often and has a big impact on our clients are the reports under the...
Enhance Your OneStream Experience with XF MarketPlace Standard Application Reports

Written By: Michael Gialanella HollandParker is very proud to be part of the OneStream Community as a Diamond Partner that is 100% focused on delivering Best Practice solutions for OneStream customers. In these unprecedented times with a near 100% remote workforce, we’d like to share a simple Pro Tip, that...
Oracle FDMEE: Check Rule & Entity Groups and Report Execution
After data is loaded to a target application, a check report using defined check rules is generated to enforce data integrity. In other words, Check Reports provide information on the issues encountered when the specified Check Rule Group is executed. This is the last step in the work flow process,...
Rule Logic in Check Rule Groups
Check Rule Groups are used in FDMEE to ensure that certain requirements are met when loading data to a Target Application. Within Check Rule Groups, there is Rule Logic. The Rule Logic is where the dimension members are defined to create a specific check within the data load. In order...
Hyperion Financial Management Extended Analytics
In Hyperion Financial Management, the Data Export and Extended Analytics functions have been combined into one location. Extended Analytics is used to extract more detailed data from Hyperion Financial Management applications, such as Eliminations or Contribution values. In order to access Extended Analytic in the HFM application, expand 'Extract'...
Quick Data Load Rule Tip
FDMEE by default shows one category per Data Load Rule. In order to view an alternate data load rule within one location, users must switch categories through the POV. Tired of switching POVs in order to view all of the Data Load Rules? Here's a quick tip :) Navigate to...
FDMEE Data Load Mappings
Data Load Mappings are used in FDMEE to pair the intersections of data from the Source to the Target Application during a data load. A Data Load Mapping must be created for every dimension in the Target Application. When FDMEE is launched in workspace, Data Load Mappings can be found in the...
Running Financial Reports in Oracle EPM
There are two ways in which Financial Reports can be run in Oracle EPM Workspace and SmartView. Workspace only allows users to view the Financial Reports. SmartView also allows users to view the report. However, in SmartView, users can use Ad Hoc Anaylsis along with the report. This allows users...
Hyperion Planning Simplified Interface
Hyperion Planning’s new Simplified Interface was created to make the planning process easier and faster. The intent was to create a streamlined interface for administrators to quickly work through their everyday planning tasks. As seen below, the log in screen has a new, clean look. Once you have logged in to...
Update Registry Settings to Avoid SmartView Time Out Errors
SmartView has come a long way over the years, especially the Planning Ad-Hoc capabilities. Even though the developers have added a ton of new features to SmartView, clients and end users still like to use the tried and true HSGetValue and HSSetValue functions. While there are many performance settings for Analytic...

WestBend Mutual Insurance
Discover how our OneStream implementation services enable your organization to streamline the financial close, report with confidence, and deliver faster, more accurate insights to stakeholders.